Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling F-One Rocket Wing Board
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling F-One Rocket Wing Board
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling F-One Rocket Wing Board
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling F-One Rocket Wing Board


F-One Rocket Wing




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Wir präsentieren das F-One Rocket Wing Board.

The ROCKET WING boards are the perfect wing foil board choice. Specifically designed to meet the needs of this sport, they are durable, dependable, user-friendly, and extremely stable. 

  • Intuitive and performant
  • Optimized volume distribution with a new slight concave deck
  • Extra durable and light bamboo construction
  • Beveled rails and double concave for effortless take offs and touchdown recoveries

Our entire ROCKET WING range makes it possible for any rider to experience the exhilarating freedom and sensations of wing foiling. Their dimensions and shapes are unique and specific to the sport. Our ROCKET WING boards will ensure you make the best use of your wing and foil, and will help you carve better on the swell as well as connect bumps. The wide variety of volumes and sizes across the whole range will undoubtedly satisfy all riders. 

These ROCKET WING are perfect boards to improve with. Using Full Bamboo construction, these were amongst the first on the market to be created specifically for wing foil. Compact and light, they provide stability from side to side, improved responsiveness, an easy and smooth transition into flight, and efficient pumping abilities.

The boards have continuously been enhanced over time. They now feature a more concave deck bringing additional comfort and control. The progressive rocker line is slightly straighter for a better in-flight stability. The sharp beveled rail profile and double concave hull shape will help you be up and flying in no time, and you won’t be unsettled when occasionally hitting the water or during touchdown. The volume distribution has been revised for more floatability, and the outline and shorter length make the board maneuverable and easy to rotate around. 

The size range has been optimized and expanded to suit just about every rider out there.

  • The 4’4 and 4’8 are highly maneuverable and lightweight, making them great for advanced riders looking for performance and sensations in strong winds. These are also perfectly adapted for freestyle, as well as for small or lighter riders. come with a full pad, inserts for three footstraps, and the Twin-Tracks system for foil compatibility.
  • The 5’0, 5’3, and 5’5 are truly the all-purpose sizes. They are a great fit for riders with an intermediate level, or for wing foil beginners who already have some knowledge and training in other foil disciplines. Their maneuverability and carving potential are fantastic. Pumping is easy even in light conditions, and they grant the riders a lot of room for improvement. They are equipped with a full pad, a bottom handle to easily carry your board to and from the water, inserts for three footstraps, and the Twin-Tracks system for foil compatibility.
  • The 5’10, 6’0 and 6’4 will inspire confidence and are ideal for beginners. Their higher volume will lead to easier take-offs, incredible stability, and formidable sensations right from the start. They are also perfectly adapted for heavier riders, or for anybody looking to navigate in low-wind conditions. These come with full pad, a bottom handle to easily carry your board to and from the water, and the Twin-Tracks system for foil compatibility. 

These durable and light ROCKET WING boards will translate to a lot of possibilities on the water. They are the perfect boards for progressing through the sport and will be your ideal partner on all your wing adventures.



  4'4 4'8 5'0 5'3 5'5
Maße 132 x 53,5 x 8,1 cm 142 x 56 x 8,7 cm 152 x 58,5 x 9,4 cm 160 x 63,5 x 10,2 cm 165 x 68,5 x 10,8 cm
Volumen 40 L
50 L
60 L
75 L
88 L
Gewicht 4.4 kg
4.9 kg
5.5 kg
6.1 kg
6.6 kg
Strap Inserts ja ja ja ja ja


  5'10 6'0 6'4
Maße 178 x 71 x 11,5 cm 183 x 76 x 12 cm 193 x 81,5 x 12,4 cm
Volumen 105 L
120 L 140 L
Gewicht 7.2 kg
7.4 kg
7.9 kg
Strap Inserts nein nein nein

*Straps sold separately



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    kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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