Surffoil wingfoil board prone surf F-One Rocket Surf Board 2024
Surffoil wingfoil board prone surf F-One Rocket Surf Board 2024
Surffoil wingfoil board prone surf F-One Rocket Surf Board 2024
Surffoil wingfoil board prone surf F-One Rocket Surf Board 2024
Surffoil wingfoil board prone surf F-One Rocket Surf Board 2024
Surffoil wingfoil board prone surf F-One Rocket Surf Board 2024


F-One Rocket Surf Board




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Wir präsentieren das F-One Rocket Surf Board.

Specifically designed for foil surfing, the ROCKET SURF is the most compact board of the range. Its design will guarantee that you can paddle, take-off, ride, pump and carve with maximum control as you catch waves with ease. The stiff and light construction render both the board and foil extremely responsive so you can draw your line as you want it.

  • Enhanced shape for improved take-offs and easy paddle
  • Extremely responsive
  • Complete control during pumping and carving
  • High-performance during flight

The ROCKET SURF is very balanced and maneuverable in all phases of foil surfing, helping you catch any waves. This board is responsive, stable, easy to take off with, and brings incredible control throughout the entire ride.

The ROCKET SURF is now slightly narrower and longer, while retaining its timeless shape to bring out the purest surf sensations. This board is playful and easily maneuverable thanks to this compact shape.

The well-proportioned outline allows an even volume distribution, which in turn brings stability both in the water and in the air. We have placed maximum volume under the rider’s chest to encourage an easy paddling and take-off. The rocker has also been adjusted to improve the front/back balance and pumping abilities.

The new squash tail allows you to lean at a maximum angle during your turns in total control without touching the water. The double concave provides an easy release, even if the board touches the water while flying. The pronounced step on the hull and bevels also helps release from the water and reduces friction for improved take-off and stronger accelerations.

The concave deck lowers your center of gravity and brings the feet closer to the foil, thus allowing you to naturally position yourself and to better control the board once in the air. It also helps to move your knees and feet through and to stand up while taking-off.

The bamboo construction and the bamboo reinforcement on the deck create a highly resistant, durable, and light shell all-around.

The size range of the ROCKET SURF has been revised and now includes six sizes, ranging from 4’3 (25L) to 4’11 (40L). We are also offering new sizes with different length/volume ratios: 4'3+ and 4'5+. These two boards are wider and, above all, thicker to offer an alternative with more volume for the same length for riders who don’t need to paddle out a lot. They hence may go for a shorter length for the same volume.

All boards are equipped with a full pad and the Twin-Tracks system for foil compatibility. The ROCKET SURF doesn’t include strap insert from this year on.


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kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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