Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling F-One GRAVITY FCT 2200 Frontwing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling F-One GRAVITY FCT 2200 Frontwing


F-One Gravity FCT Frontwing




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Wir präsentieren den F-One Gravity FCT Frontwing.

The foils of the GRAVITY FCT 1800/2200 line are designed to provide a solid lift with an easy and progressive take-off. In keeping with its best-selling carbon sibling, this GRAVITY FCT is the ideal foil to get started and progress confidently and constantly.

    Aspect Ratio: 5.0
    Accessible, forgiving, reliable
    Smooth and early take-off at slow speeds
    Stability and lift
    Great speed control

      A GRAVITY foil is intuitive. It generates lift at low and even very low speed but does it smoothly so you can easily keep your balance. 

      The range includes two sizes: 1800 and 2200 cm². Foils with such areas support an early take-off and more lift and stability. However, we still made sure they also come with enough aspect ratio to maintain a decent speed range and to avoid unnecessary drag. 

      The span is generous, making it a very reliable and intuitive foil. It also allows you to control low speeds and is overall extremely stable. The refined shape details such as the arch curvature, the profile and the wing tips insure it remains highly maneuverable.

      This GRAVITY FCT range is a fantastic option for anybody looking to discover foiling and wanting to consistently progress. Its durable and sturdy materials can withstand the typical mistakes of the early learning stages, and this foil is overall extremely forgiving.

      The GRAVITY FCT line is more precisely built with the Foil Compression Technology, a F-ONE innovation that offers impressive mechanical properties. The fuselage can be connected to the standard F-ONE aluminum mast of the desired length. The setup and disassembly are also extremely easy, and the whole is very travel friendly. All in all, this technology provides one of the most accessible and scalable foil setups whilst keeping the DNA of its carbon counterpart.

      The GRAVITY FCT is recommended with the IC6 300 stab. This stabilizer offers easy take-off and good directional stability for a secure feel which is perfect when riding. Built using the IC6 technology, it is both strong and durable.

      kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
      kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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